Put Obfuscator Command Comments in Your Autohotkey Scripts

You place obfuscator command comments in your autohotkey script in order to send messages to the obfuscator. Each obfuscator command comment must start in column 1 with this string:
Following that tag on the same line you would then supply the actual command to be sent to the obfuscator and it should be in the form:
;$OBFUSCATOR: $obfuscator_command: {parameters}
Because of the requirement that obfuscator command comments start in column 1, if you just indent the comment it will turn it off and cause the obfuscator to ignore it which can be useful in debugging problems with your obfuscation.

Some obfuscator command comments require no parameters, some allow a list of stuff like individual object names or classes, some allow the standard parameter set, and some allow a list optionally followed by the standard parameter set. If a list is followed by the standard parameter set then that is indicated by separating them with a "/".