Obfuscation of Special Script Objects in Autohotkey Gui Controls

This program can replace special uses of objects used in Gui controls.

Gosub Labels/Functions in Gui Controls that Start with a 'G'

This program can find and replace occurrences of labels/functions found in Gui controls that start with a "G" to signify gosub on click:
Gui, add, text, Gclickhandler, hello world
[added DigiDon]  For dynamic gLabel in expressions you need to have a quote character " just before or just after the Glabel.
Gui, add, text, % "Glabel " x " XCoord", hello world
No other special steps are necessary by you for this. An invalid replacement could occur if you have 2 labels/functions that are the same except one starts with a "G":



Global Variables in Gui Controls that Start with a "V"

This Obfuscator can replace global variables starting with a "V" that are found in GUI controls :
Gui, add, text, Vmyglobvar, hello world
[added DigiDon]  For Vvars in expressions you need to have a quote character " just before or just after the Vvar.
Gui, add, text, % "Vmyglobvar " x " XCoord", hello world
No other extra work is necessary by you for this, just do the normal things required for obfuscating global variables. Only global variables found in Gui controls will be replaced at this time, static and local variables starting with a "G" are not supported.

Variables Surrounded with %'s in Autohotkey GUI Controls

Variables surrounded with "%" in controls will be replaced, nothing extra by you needs to be done.
Gui, add, text, %controlwidth%,

bla bla bla....%saythis%

The GUI +LabelPrefix Command

If you are using the GUI, +LabelPrefix Command to set a handler for the closing of a window, you will have to apply some special steps to avoid errors.

Use the DEFGUILAB command comment anywhere in your source code and add the name of GUI +Label:
e.g. configwin if this was GUI +Labelconfigwin
;$OBFUSCATOR: $DEFGUILAB: (list of GUI custom label names)
OLD [modified DigiDon]
;$OBFUSCATOR: $DEFCLOSEGUILAB: (list of GUI custom label names)
The gui statement will come out looking like this:
Gui, +Labelf@kfk#fffffffkk#fkk#kffk

Turn off Obfuscation for GUI Labels

Turn off normal label obfuscation encoding for these actual GUI label sections. You do this by surrounding these sections of code with the CHANGE_DEFAULTS command and the RESTORE_DEFAULTS command:

;program statements here

;program statements here

;program statements here

;program statements here
The -1 in the CHANGE_DEFAULTS command turns off obfuscation for label objects that follow and the restore defaults command restores the obfuscation defaults to whatever they previously were.
Both the label header and the GUI, +LabelPrefix statement will be obfuscated.

The label headers will come out looking like this, with the CLOSE, ESCAPE, DROPFILES, etc. part still present:


Turn off Obfuscation for GUI Functions

Turn off normal label obfuscation encoding for these actual GUI function sections. You do this by surrounding these sections of code with the CHANGE_DEFAULTS command and the RESTORE_DEFAULTS command:
configwinClose(...) {

;program statements here

configwinEscape(...) {
;program statements here

configwinContextmenu(...) {
;program statements here

configwinDropFiles(...) {
;program statements here

configwinSize(...) {
;program statements here
The -1 in the CHANGE_DEFAULTS command turns off obfuscation for function objects that follow and the restore defaults command restores the obfuscation defaults to whatever they previously were.
Both the label header and the GUI, +LabelPrefix statement will be obfuscated

The functions headers will come out looking like this, with the CLOSE, ESCAPE, DROPFILES, etc. part still present:
