How this project could be improved

I (DigiDon) think there are still many ways this project could be improved. I already added many functionalities, improved the documentation, eased usage and improved automation and flexibility etc. but here is some of my thoughts on what could be improved:

Clarity of code and comments

This sould be improved as this is quite messy right now. Will do at further point in time.

Improve documentation

Although I've worked already quite a lot to make this documentation better I think there is still room to make it look less complex: only show the basics at first and reserve complexity for advanced users.

Improve automation of process

The project could be tweaked to try to eliminate most of manual work. Need to figure out if we can get rid of the mandatory end Auto-execute statement for example and process automatically includes for example.

Obfuscate Class/Methods/Properties

I already started working on this. Nevertheless as structure and calls can be quite complex this requires careful implementation.

Suggest a list of variables to obfuscate

I believe this project could easily add a new functionality that builds a list of most variables so the user could quickly add them to obfuscation. Right now the process is manual and very time consuming. A simple Regex or so detecting standard assignments (like ^var/h*:?=) should already cover most.

Suggestion to Fix Invalid Replacements: New Command Comment in Dynamic Obfuscator

A new Obfuscator command comment could be created that can be put one line before the problem statement:
This would indicate to the Obfuscator that it is only to replace variables surrounded by %s in the statement on the following line.

Add features to give great information/statistics on big scripts

As this project has developed in a huge smart parser I think it could be quite easily tweaked to provide valuable information on scripts: For example the list of functions/labels in order of appearance, number and usage time Number and list of variables ...